Born and live in Hunedoara County, Romania. I grew up and follow schools in Hunedoara county and spent summer holidays in a beautiful mountain village area from Cluj County.
Started hiking in early ’90s and after that the love of photography come naturally with every trip as a desire to capture places and people I saw.
First camera I used was Zenit E with 58mm Helios lens and then followed by film and digital Nikon SRL cameras with Nikon Nikorr, Tokina, Tamron and Samyang lenses having attached Nikon, Marumi, CokinP or Haida GND filters. Every time going out in nature I grab my El Carmagne 645 Velbon tripod for panoramic and night photography.
Having local and regional group photo exhibitions and since 2017 member of A.A.F.H. – Asociația Artiştilor Fotografi Hunedoreni (regional photographers association).
Autor of “Retezat Mountains Landscapes” at http://www.blurb.com/b/3789961-romania-retezat-mountains-landscapes.
Collaborator at “Retezat National Park” photo album of Romanian Ranger Association.